Teams Premium - Redefine privacy for highly secure meetings Tutorial

In this video, you will learn how to redefine privacy for highly secure meetings using Teams Premium.
The video covers the importance of security and protection of sensitive information during professional meetings.
It explains how end-to-end encryption can be enabled in meetings, ensuring that only the participants can hear or see the communication.
The video also demonstrates how to create an enhanced encryption policy in Teams Administration and activate the end-to-end encryption option in Teams calendar or directly from the meeting.
Additionally, it highlights the use of watermarks and privacy labels to protect confidential information shared in meetings.
By enabling watermarks, participants' email addresses are overlaid on the video or shared content, preventing unauthorized screenshots.
It's important to note that certain features, such as meeting recording and large gallery view, are disabled when using watermarks.
This knowledge will help you take extra precautions to protect your confidential information during Teams Premium meetings.


